€ 33.95
Fietsgids EuroVelo6 Eurovelo 6 - Donauradweg Budapest naar Zwarte Zee | Huber Verlag

Acht deelkaarten op schaal 1:100.000, speciaal voor fietsers. In totaal een prachitge set met veel informatie. Mit Radwegeverlauf, Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Fahrradreparaturwerkstätten und Restaurants sind im Kartenbild eingezeichnet. 8 Einzelkarten in einer Kartenmappe.

Danube Cycle Route from Budapest to the Black Sea on a compact set of eight maps. The main route and its detours are clearly distinguished from the surrounding roads, and non-asphalt surfaces and busy roads are indicated. Intermediate distances on the main route are shown, as well as river distances every 5km, and ferries for bikes. Hill shading and spot heights show the relief and symbols indicate moderate and heavy ascending slopes.
Plenty of symbols show other features, landmarks, and services e.g. bike repair facilities, various types of accommodation, restaurants, information centres, railways with stations, airports, marinas, museums, churches, and other places of interest, swimming pools, forests and swamps. State frontiers with border crossings and boundaries of national parks and reserves are marked.

The maps have a UTM grid at 2km intervals. Map legend is in English, German and Hungarian; other supporting text is in German only. Each sheet is double-sided and measures approx. 98 x 34cm.