This journal is your collection of your favorite memories from all your travels
Imagine having all your favorite travel memories in one place. All 196 independent countries in the world and the 50 states in the USA have a spot in here for you to fill. Your personal travel trophies all in one place! Travel to countries you’ve never even considered, expand your horizon with fun challenges, keep track of your travels, and cherish the moments you’ve collected.
What's in it?
All 196 independent countries in the world have a spot for you to fill
Blank pages for those special places that need extra space
Cool stuff to do and bucket lists to complete
Maps of the world and continents to keep track of where you've been
Fill out the journal the way you want to: write, draw, paint, paste photos, stickers, scraps, plants, stamps, or i don’t know… with tea bags
The perfect gift for travel lovers
Journal Specifications
Your journal lays open flat due to lay-flat binding
A compact size (197x125mm) and 220 pages so it’s easy to take with you
Flexible cover so it’ll always fit in your luggage
FSC-certified paper is used to lower carbon footprint
Produced Co2 neutral
Dutch design and made in The Netherlands, Europe