Uitstekende wandelgids die in etappes de route nauwkeurig beschrijft; ook de zijtakken en alternatieve routes komen aan bod. Inclusief gidsje met topografische routekaarten van 1:50000
This guidebook to walking along the Kennet & Avon Canal covers the 94 mile (152km) route from Reading to Bristol. The canal walk is split into 7 stages of fairly easy, level walking, of between 93/4 and 181/2 miles, with advice on splitting on shortening the stages if needed. The book also includes 20 easy circular walks, ranging from 4 to 9 miles, taking in the best sections of the canal and visiting sites nearby, making this two guidebooks in one. Alongside OS map extracts and detailed route descriptions, there are plenty of details on the history, heritage and wildlife encountered along the way. An itinerary planner is included for walkers who want to create longer or shorter stages, and there is useful practical information including details on accessing the walks by public transport and a list of accommodation available along the route. The result is a highly useful and fascinating companion to exploring the canal and its surroundings.