Wandelgids: vele dagtochten worden degelijk beschreven met openbaar vervoer informatie, goede routebeschrijvingen en kaartmateriaal. Tevens enkele autotochten.
La Palma: 3 car tours, 36 long and short walks, 22 picnic suggestions, El Hierro: 1 car tour, 12 long and short walks, 8 picnic suggestions
This new 8th edition has been completely redesigned in a wider format – with larger type and no mapping lost in the gutter. Revised on the ground just a few months before publication, the guide also has several new walks and all-new topo walking maps with contours at 25m intervals. Based on OpenStreet mapping, the maps now show waypoints, and free downloadable GPS tracks are available for all the walks. Colour coding on the contents page enables you to see at a glance the grading of various walks.
Area covered: walks and tours throughout both islands.
The best months for walking on La Palma and El Hierro are October to June.