Wandelkaart met ingetekende routes.
The Kümmerly+Frey outdoor maps help your with your planning. And once your have arrived at your holiday destination they double up as silent tour guides: attractive map image, comprehensive regional coverage (a map for each holiday region), contents featuring interesting tourist information such as important walking paths, mountain huts and tourist attractions. Scale: 1:50 000. Water and rip-proof map.
Dorpen en steden op de kaart
Stolpen, Neustadt in Sachsen, Steinigtwolmsdorf, Lohmen, Bastei, Hohnstein, Sebnitz, Pirna, Elbe, Lilienstein, Könogstein, Berggießhübel, Bad Gottleuba, Rosenthal, Decin, Schmilka, Großer Winterberg, Kirnitzsch, Ruzova