A nicely detailed travelers map of Southeast Europe from Prague east to Odessa and south to Italy, Greece and western Turkey, including the Danube, Romania, Bulgaria and the Black Sea from Odessa to Istanbul. At a scale of 1:2,000,000.
Explore the Balkans and South-East Europe with this Freytag & Berndt road map - the best way to prepare your trip, to plan your itinerary, and to travel independently.
This map covers the following countries: Greece, Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegocina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, the Czech & Slovak Republics, Western Turkey, Western Ukraine, Austria, and Southern Italy.
The map includes a localities index and more detailed city maps of Athens, Belgrade, Bratislava, Bucarest, Budapest, Chisinau, Istanbul, Kiev, Ljubljana, Podgorica, Prague, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija, Tirana, Vienna, and Zagreb.