Gedetailleerde toeristische overzichtskaart, gedrukt op scheur- en watervast materiaal. Met stadsplattegrondjes van de belangrijkste plaatsen en veel toeristische informatie op de achterkant (Italiaanstalig).
Costa Smeralda and the Maddalena Archipelago Smart Map at 1:175,000 from the Touring Club Italiano, printed on light waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper, with a street plan of central Olbia annotated with main sights, plus 11 more recommendations of places worth visiting. Coverage extends from the Straights of Bonifacio between Sardinia and Corsica southwards to Ozieri and Pattada.
Cartography is an enlargement of TCI’s excellent regional series at 1:200,000. Additional overprint highlights the publishers’ recommendations. On the reverse are notes, based on Touring Editore’s vast experience of presenting the country’s heritage and culture, about various aspects of the region: nature, art, local festivals, etc, or, since all the text is in Italian only: natura e ambiente, arte e cultura, manifestazioni, sapori e colori and tempo libero.
Map legend and all the text are in Italian only.