Een degelijke kaart met aanduidingen van o.a. nationale parken, vliegveld, benzinepomp, dirt-roads . Als overzichtskaart prima te gebruiken. Gedrukt op waterproof papier!
Folded paper (waterproof), road and travel map in color. Scale 1:920,000. Distinguishes roads ranging from freeways/expressways to other roads (unpaved). Legend includes tracks, railroads, ferry routes, waterfalls, wildlife reserves/game sanctuaries, sites of natural interest, parks or reserves, international airports, national airports, airfields, gas stations, hospitals/medical facilities, campsites/huts, rest houses, hotels, border crossings, UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites, UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sites, park gates, beaches, poits of interest, archaeological sites, museums, train/bus stations. Elevation in feet.
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