€ 27.50
Duikgids Diving in Malaysia - Maleisië | Marshall Cavendish

With its pristine, unspoilt beaches and breathtaking coral reefs, Malaysia has quickly become one of the world's leading scuba diving destinations. The country boasts a coastline of some 4800 km and more than 200 islands, including world-renowned locations like Pulau Sipadan, Layang-Layang Atoll, and Pulau Redang. In this revised and updated edition of Diving in Malaysia, author Kurt Svrcula presents a comprehensive guide to over 130 dive and snorkel sites in the region, ranging from perennial favourites to newly discovered gems. This invaluable guide provides information and advice for divers and snorkellers of all levels of experience, and includes:

•Maps of featured dive sites.
•Dive ratings.
•Underwater photography tips.
•Spectacular photos of marine life
•Shipwrecks that can be dived.
•Hazards to watch out for
•Ecological conservation
•Travel information.
•Accommodation recommendations where to go, when to go, what to see!                  
Plus a bonus pull-out chart of the top dive sites at a glance. Dr Kurt Svrcula has 30 years of diving experience, and is a noted underwater photographer and advocate for environmental conservation. He has lived in Malaysia for the past three decades, and is a member of the Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences. He speaks regularly at international conferences on issues including leisure and sports tourism, and economic development.

€ 24.95
Duikgids Diving in Indonesia | Tuttle Publishing

Prachtige dikgids met een overzicht van de mooiste plekken voor het duiken in Indonesië. Let op: gericht op het oosten van het land, van Bali tot Papua inclusief Sulawesi.

Diving in Indonesia is a fully comprehensive diving guidebook for exploring the most notable areas of Indonesia.


A chapter is devoted to each of the following important regions in Indonesia for divers:


North Sulawesi

Central, South and Southeast Sulawesi

Nusa Teggara (Lombok, Komodo, Timor, Alor)

Raja Ampat & West Papua

Maluku (Ambon, Banda & Halmahera)

Each chapter relates to a different region and provides the reader with area maps, dive site maps, diving information which includes:

Difficulty level



General area information

General diving information

Detailed dive site descriptions

Useful diving contacts such as emergency services and emergency diving services, liveaboard diving, marine life features, conservation features and travel planners are included, making this a complete diving guide.


There are also sections regarding general travel practicalities in Indonesia, general diving practicalities in Indonesia, a basic Indonesian dictionary and phrases specifically relating to diving.


€ 19.50
Duikgids Bali, Lombok und Komodo | Reise Know-How Verlag

Duitstalige praktische duikgids voor Bali, Lombok en Komodo. Goede beschrijvingen van alle belangrijke duikgebieden, inclusief moeilijkheidsgraad, stroming, en flora en fauna.

Bali ist das Top-Urlaubsziel Indonesiens. Die Zahl der Besucher steigt – und etliche davon sind Taucher. Kein Wunder: Die Tauchgründe um Bali, Lombok und im Komodo-Nationalpark gehören zu den besten der Welt.


Dieser aktuelle und umfassende Tauchführer bietet Tauchern und Tauchanfängern alles Wissenswerte rund um ihre Leidenschaft. Die wichtigsten Orte und Regionen werden vorgestellt, genauso wie Tauchcenter, Tauchspots und andere Attraktionen. Wer bietet welche Kurse an? Wo gibt es deutschsprachige Tauchlehrer? Dank intensiver persönlicher Recherche und der Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen Partnern vor Ort bietet das Buch Insiderwissen aus langjähriger Taucherfahrung und Tipps von Kennern:


Alle praktischen Reisefragen von A bis Z

Sorgfältige Beschreibung aller wichtigen Tauchplätze, inklusive Schwierigkeitsgrad, Strömung, Anfahrt, Flora und Fauna

Vorstellung der Tauchcenter mit ihrem Angebot: vom Basiskurs zur Tauchsafari

Kulinarische Tipps von Kennern: von typisch indonesisch bis zum World-Wide-Mix

Unterkunftsempfehlungen für jeden Geldbeutel

Tipps für Ausflüge über Wasser

Ausführliche Kapitel zu Natur, Geschichte, Umweltschutz und Kultur

28 Ortspläne und Tauchgebiet-Karten

Kleine Sprachhilfe Bahasa Indonesia

€ 20.95
Duikgids Underwater Guide to Seychelles - Seychellen | John Beaufoy

The warm tropical waters and coral reefs teeming with fish mean that Seychelles is a hugely popular diving destination. The waters that surround Seychelles are home to over 1,000 species of fish and 300 species of coral. The islands are visited by giant Whale Sharks and manta rays, and are home to the critically endangered Hawksbill and Green Sea Turtles.


Divided into three parts, the book provides a general introduction to diving and snorkelling in Seychelles including what to expect and where to base yourself; a guide to the best sites for diving and snorkelling; and a photographic identification to 280 of the most common species of marine life covering fish, invertebrates, corals and megafauna. For all those who plan to spend time in or on the waters of the inner islands of Seychelles, this is the perfect, pocket-sized guide. The taxonomy of some fish species has been updated for the second edition.