Een degelijke kaart met aanduidingen van o.a. nationale parken, vliegveld, benzinepomp, dirt-roads en kleine plattegrond van hoofdstad. Als overzichtskaart goed te gebruiken.
Tourism to Zambia is at an all-time high, thanks to the utter collapse of neighbouring Zimbabwe. Why? Well, Victoria Falls is easily accessible from Liningstone, and Zambia has ramped up its tourism infrastructure to take advantage of the pent yp demand to see one of the great wonders of the world. Zambia is also proving to be a stable and reasonably democratic state, and progressing accordingly. This map updates everything we have been able to find about the country. Printed on paper, single-sided;
Legend Includes:
Roads by classification, international and national airports, ports, post offices, gas stations, hospitals, points of interests, mines, rivers, waterfalls, museums, information centres, campsites, hostels, and other information