€ 42.99
Fotoboek New Earth - IJsland | Matador

Toen de Fagradalsfjall-vulkaan in IJsland op 19 maart 2021 uitbarstte, was de Belgische fotograaf en natuurgids Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove ter plaatse met zijn camera. Zijn doel? Het vulkanische spektakel ervaren en vastleggen vanop de eerste rij. Het werd het begin van een unieke fotografische reis, die al zijn verwachtingen overtrof. In dit boek deelt Jeroen zijn verzameling foto’s van dag één van de uitbarsting tot en met de laatste dag. Daarnaast biedt hij je een uniek inzicht in hoe de foto’s tot stand kwamen. Ook lees je hoe dit natuurspektakel een grote impact had op Jeroen persoonlijk en hoe zijn beleving evolueerde naarmate de uitbarsting vorderde. New Earth – A Photographic Journey Of The Geldingadalir Eruption is een uniek, persoonlijk boek vol razend knappe foto’s en boeiende verhalen over een uitzonderlijk natuurspektakel. Een must-have voor iedereen die houdt van verbluffende natuurfotografie, IJsland en de woeste kracht van de natuur.

€ 24.95
Vogelgids Birds of Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands | Helm

For sheer diversity of birds, Ecuador cannot be beaten. Nowhere else is it as easy to experience such a range of habitats, from the high Andes to the Amazon and Chocó rainforests and those jewels in the ocean, the Galápagos Islands. The avifauna is similarly dazzling – a huge range of species, including 41 endemics, call this country home, making Ecuador the ultimate Neotropical wildlife destination.

This book showcases the avian wonders of Ecuador, highlighting more than 320 regularly occurring species that can be seen by most visitors to the country, including the Galápagos. Pocket-sized yet authoritative, this is the perfect companion for any wildlife-friendly visitor to Ecuador.

€ 19.50
Wandelkaart Cairn Gorm & Ben Avon | Harvey Maps

40 years’ experience have gone into HARVEY’s most creative new series. Slim and light, the Ultramap covers a large area and yet is handily compact. Pocket perfect!
Includes Cairn Gorm, Ben Macdui, Cairn Toul and Braeriach, and the full length of the famous Lairig Ghru pass.
Includes 18 Munros and 3 Corbetts.
The Ultramap covers a large area yet is small enough to slip in a pocket
The Ultramap is fully detailed genuine original HARVEY mapping.
The Ultramap is tough and 100% waterproof. Use it without a map case, whatever the weather!
To provide the biggest area on the smallest lightest sheet, the Ultramap is printed double sided.
The ingenious folding pattern allows you to open the Ultramap directly to any part, and either side, of the sheet
The two sides are aligned, so when you reach the edge of the Ultramap sheet you simply flip it over without re-folding. There’s an overlap as well, so you can map read continuously
The magic scale of 1:40,000 enables the Ultramap to provide all the detail you would expect to find on a large scale walking map, including rights of way and boundaries
Plastic pocket for protection

€ 19.50
Wandelkaart Ben Lawers & Schiehallion | Harvey Maps

40 years’ experience have gone into HARVEY’s most creative new series. Slim and light, the Ultramap covers a large area and yet is handily compact. Pocket perfect!
Includes Ben Lawers, Schiehallion and the Tarmachan Ridge.
Includes 16 Munros and 6 Corbetts.
The Ultramap covers a large area yet is small enough to slip in a pocket
The Ultramap is fully detailed genuine original HARVEY mapping.
The Ultramap is tough and 100% waterproof. Use it without a map case, whatever the weather!
To provide the biggest area on the smallest lightest sheet, the Ultramap is printed double sided.
The ingenious folding pattern allows you to open the Ultramap directly to any part, and either side, of the sheet
The two sides are aligned, so when you reach the edge of the Ultramap sheet you simply flip it over without re-folding. There’s an overlap as well, so you can map read continuously
The magic scale of 1:40,000 enables the Ultramap to provide all the detail you would expect to find on a large scale walking map, including rights of way and boundaries
Plastic pocket for protection

€ 19.50
Wandelkaart Brecon Beacons Oost | Harvey Maps

Covers a large area yet is handily compact. Pocket perfect!
Detailed map for runners and walkers of the eastern part of the Brecon Beacons National Park and the Black Mountains at the magic scale of 1:40,000.
Includes Pen y Fan and the Black Mountains.
Welsh-English text.

€ 27.50
Reisgids Het binnenland van Spanje | Arbeiderspers

Spanje is vooral groot, schreef Rik Zaal in zijn bejubelde en succesvolle dikke reisgids 'Spanje' (2002). Twintig jaar later doet de auteur zijn favoriete land dunnetjes over in een gids die zich concentreert op het binnenland. In tweeëntwintig langzame etappes voert hij ons door de kern van Spanje met zijn weidsheid, zijn gebergten waar de reiziger na elke bocht een ander uitzicht wacht. Daar is het nog altijd leeg op de wereld, daar is een tegenligger een belevenis. Onderweg passeren we mooie kerken, kastelen en stadjes en dorpen met goede restaurants. Deze gids staat grotendeels met de rug naar de kust en de overbevolkte stranden en steden waar het toerisme akelig floreert.

€ 20.95
Wandelgids Thames Path in London | Aurum Press

Wandeling langs de Thames dwars door de stad Londen met duidelijke kaartjes.
Fully revised and updated. This comprehensive guide to the London section of the Thames Path Trail Guide covers the route from Hampton Court in the east to the Thames Barrier in the west, with an extension into Crayford Ness. From the Mesolithic Period timber piles near Vauxhall Bridge to the innovative Shard skyscraper at London Bridge, the long and remarkable history of London is revealed.
Clapham covers all the folklore from the famous frost fairs to the much-lamented beach near Tower Bridge, not forgetting the poignant recent visit of a large whale to the centre of London. The Thames winds all the way through London's history and culture, from Henry VIII's Hampton Court to the chequered fate of the Dome/O2. Accompanied by easy-to-read maps and colour photography, the London resident as much as the visiting tourist will find in this guide something new every step of the way.

€ 24.95
Wandelkaart Cheviot Hills | Harvey Maps

Includes the Cheviot, Newton Tors and Kirknewton. Detailed map for hillwalkers and cyclists of the Cheviot Hills at 1:25,000 scale. Includes the northern section of the Pennine Way from Brownhart Law to Kirk Yetholm. Tough, light, durable and 100% waterproof Genuine, original, HARVEY mapping Includes Rights of Way Opens directly to either side of the sheet Easy to re-fold

€ 24.95
Wandelkaart Rum, Eigg, Canna, Muck | Harvey Maps

More than "just" a map, this map is an essential piece of equipment, this new generation of HARVEY Superwalkers is designed to be the most practical tool for navigation outdoors. The Superwalker XT25 is based on the original HARVEY Maps with all the information a walker would expect on a map at 1:25,000 scale. 2 Corbetts, 1 Graham & scheduled monuments are shown. The format gives more mapping on the sheet without making the map heavy and bulky. The fold has been developed to allow you to open directly to any part, and either side of the sheet easily - no more struggling in the wind! The clarity of the mapping has been improved to enable more people to read it without their glasses. The map is uncluttered by information irrelevant to the walker. Less than half the weight of a laminated map. GPS compatible. Information on Canna supplied by the NTS. Experience the satisfaction of fine navigation with the Superwalker XT25 now printed on our 100% waterproof and almost indestructible paper, whatever the weather!

€ 24.95
Wandelkaart Ochil Hills | Harvey Maps

Superwalker is designed to be the most practical tool for navigation outdoors. The format gives more mapping on the sheet without making the map heavy and bulky. The fold has been developed to allow you to open directly to any part and either side of the sheet easily - no more struggling in the wind. From Gleneagles and Auchterarder in the north and bordered by the A91 Hillfoots road in the south, this 1:25000 map for hillwalkers covers Dumyat, Ben Cleuch and Castle Craig etc. The reservoirs and hills of Glen Devon are also covered. There are enlargements of Alva, Tillicoultry, and Dollar Glens also included for easy navigation of these popular glens. The clarity of the map has also been improved to enable more people to read it without their glasses. The precise contouring and delicate hill shading give an immediate picture of the ground. Experience the satisfaction of fine navigation with the Superwalker XT25, now printed on our 100% waterproof and almost indestructible paper whatever the weather.

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